09 December 2012

God gave me my dream job!

Dear Friends,

I am so thankful for all of you! I love you all and I love seeing God work in us! 

 3 ½ years ago, I boarded a plane for the Dominican Republic. During that trip, we mixed concrete to lay floors for two women who had successfully paid off microloans to start their businesses and provide food, clothing, and education for their children. One of the clients we mixed for, Damaris, (center-right), travels to the capital to buy clothes, and then sells them to her neighbors. This was her first concrete floor, laid over bare earth and within aluminum walls. Microfinance has changed Damaris’ life and given her dignity! The clients we met had a very real sense of gratitude to God for the work He is doing through His servants. In the loan meetings, they often read Scriptures, sing praises, and share the Gospel! 

Since that trip, God has been so faithful to me! He has miraculously provided for summers spent sharing the Gospel in inner city Dayton and Indianapolis; a year off of college working in the country of Panama working as an accounting intern for a Christian organization; a semester studying abroad in Spain; and a degree in International Business at Cedarville University. He never ceases to amaze me! 

Now, God has been preparing me to leave for the mission field again—on January 4th! Through a period of only part-time employment, I had more time than ever to seek His face, and I had to trust Him when doors closed. But I didn’t realize I would be going back to HOPE in the Dominican Republic, as an Operations Fellow! 

The fellowship is a 1-2 year position where I will be providing financial analysis, planning, and other business support in the central office in Santo Domingo, as well as traveling throughout the country to visit microloan clients and analyze their businesses. My dream is to one day use my business skills and experience in missions to teach women rescued from sex trafficking how to start and operate their own small businesses—so this is an incredible opportunity for me!

Please pray for me! Pray that God would prepare the hearts of those who will hear the Gospel and receive loans. Pray for an astounding harvest and revival in the local churches! Pray that God would unify the team. Pray that He would direct me to a church where I can grow and contribute. Pray that He would give me boldness to speak the Gospel clearly! Pray that my heart would be hidden in God!

HOPE will provide my housing expenses while I am there, but I will need about $540/month to cover food, necessities, insurance, work-related travel within the country, and airfare. I will be living as simply as possible. God told me to give away my 1999 Corolla (Acts 2) instead of sell it to help with the expenses, so I did, with a mustard seed of faith! I know that my God will supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus! Please consider partnering with HOPE’s work by making a tax-deductible gift. Any amount helps, however small! To give monthly or just one time, go to www.hopeinternational.org, click DONATE on the upper right, enter the amount, designate it for “General – Other (please specify below)”, and type in my name (Abigail Eustace) on the line below. 

You will all be in my prayers as well, and I will do my best to stay in contact with you! If you want to receive email updates from me, just send me an email at abigaileustace90@gmail.com.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support, and for your friendship! May God bless us all this Christmas, and show us how to live like the One whose birth we celebrate.

                                For His Glory,


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